Uptown Bikeways - Community Involvement

During the planning phase alignment analysis, SANDAG engaged a wide range of representative, community-based interests to inform project development. The Uptown Bikeways Community Advisory Group was formed to provide input on issues, opportunities, and alternatives and share information with the larger community.

Established community groups, such as town councils, resident groups, business associations, and non-profit groups, were asked to select a person to participate on the Community Advisory Group.

The Community Advisory Group met four times to provide input to the SANDAG design team during the alignment analysis. Advisory Group meetings were open to all community members. Throughout the alignment analysis, Advisory Group members helped disseminate information and collect input from their representative organizations and other community members.

Community Update - February 6, 2014

Community Workshop #2 and Advisory Meeting #4

After extensive public outreach efforts and preliminary analysis, bikeway alignments that appear to best meet project objectives – and present the most opportunity to create an excellent community asset – have been identified along all 12 miles of the three project corridors.

Flier | Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Summary

Open House Posters:

Economic Benefits
Low Stress Designs
Placemaking Overview
5th Ave. & Beech St.
5th Ave. & Nutmeg St. (1)
5th Ave. & Nutmeg St. (2)
San Diego Ave. & Noell St.
Washington St. & San Diego Ave.
Hotel Circle & I-8
University Ave. Ibis St. to Front St. (1)
University Ave. Ibis St. to Front St. (2)
University Ave. 1st Ave. to 3rd Ave. (1)
University Ave. 1st Ave. to 3rd Ave. (2)
University Ave. 5th Ave. to 6th Ave.
University Ave. Vermont to Richmond

Community Workshop #1 - July 10, 2013

Analysis Outcomes and Continued Route Discussion
Open House Stations:

Community Advisory Meeting #1 - December 5, 2012

Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Summary | Written Comments | Membership List | Charter

Community Advisory Meeting #2 - February 6, 2013

Existing Conditions and Route Discussion

Agenda | Group Discussions | PresentationMeeting Summary

Community Advisory Meeting #3 - June 12, 2013 

Analysis Outcomes and Continued Route Discussion

Agenda | Presentation | Meeting Summary
Tier I Alternative Analysis | Appendix
Tier II Alternative Analysis | Appendices A (updated) & B
Preliminary Capacity Analysis | Appendix

Provide Input

To provide input on the Uptown Bikeways project, please contact the Project Manager:

Beth Robrahn, AICP

Active Transportation Planner
401 B Street, Suite 800
San Diego, CA 92101
[email protected]
(619) 699-6980

Regional Bikeways Project Home