Since the North Park | Mid-City Bikeways planning process began in 2013, ten community workshops were held and more than 100 presentations were made to existing community groups. This has allowed the community to discuss project details and provide input on project design in order to achieve the goal of creating more opportunities to walk and bike in a low-stress environment.
Project Aesthetics Questionnaire
In early 2018, SANDAG sought community input on aesthetic elements that could be included on bikeways in the North Park and Mid-City areas.
Open House and Public Hearing
SANDAG published a Traffic and Safety Impact Assessment for the project on July 12, 2017. Preparation of this assessment is required before the SANDAG Board of Directors can make a determination that the proposed project is exempt from CEQA under Public Resources Code Section 21080.20.5.
SANDAG hosted an open house and public hearing for the Howard – Orange Bikeway on July 27, 2017, where attendees were invited to learn more about the project and provide written and verbal comments. Open house materials are listed below.
In order to keep the project moving forward, SANDAG advanced the Howard Avenue portion of the project in early 2018. As part of the project’s environmental review process, written responses to the written and verbal comments received at the July 27, 2017 open house and public hearing were provided to the SANDAG Transportation Committee, which approved the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for the Howard Avenue portion of the project at its February 16, 2018 meeting.
View more information about the Orange Bikeway.
July 27, 2017 Open House Materials
Open House Flier
English/En Español
Open House Program
English/En Español
North Park | Mid-City Bikeways Project Map
Project Overview
English/En Español
Project Timeline and Community Outreach
English/En Español
Traffic and Safety Impact Assessment Overview
English/En Español
Design Features – Bikeway Best Practices
English/En Español
Design Features – Potential Design Enhancements
English/En Español
Conceptual Plans – City Heights – Orange Avenue (English/En Español):
32nd Street/Boundary Street over I-805 to 33rd Street
Wabash Avenue to 38th Street
39th Street to Fairmount Avenue
44th Street to Estrella Avenue
Conceptual Plans – North Park – Howard Avenue (English/En Español):
Park Boulevard to Hamilton Street
Oregon Street to Iowa Street
Preliminary Parking Assessment for Orange Avenue
English/En Español
Preliminary Parking Assessment for Howard Avenue
English/En Español
San Diego Regional Bike Plan | Early Action Program
Community Presentations
Presentations to community groups and organizations are available upon request. To request a presentation, please contact the project manager.
August 7, 2017
City Heights Area Planning Committee
April 18, 2017
North Park Planning Committee
April 12, 2017
El Cajon Business Improvement Association
April 3, 2017
City Heights Area Planning Committee
Please check the Notices tab for project updates or sign up to be added to our email list.
SANDAG GO by BIKE Public Outreach Team
401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101
Phone (Toll-Free): (833) 899-BIKE / (833) 899-2453