Uptown Bikeways - Schedule & Budget


The SANDAG Board of Directors approved the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for Segments 1-4 of the Uptown Bikeways project on July 22, 2016. The project has been segmented and is being phased for final design and construction:

While work continues on the entire project, the first segment to undergo construction is Segment 1: Fourth and Fifth Avenue Bikeways. SANDAG will continue to work with community stakeholders during the final design and construction of all segments.


Budget and Project Funding

The Uptown Bikeways project is part of the $200 million Regional Bike Plan Early Action Program approved by the SANDAG Board of Directors in September 2013. TransNet, the regional half-cent sales tax for transportation administered by SANDAG, is funding the cost of project planning, design, and construction.

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