Coastal Commission Approves the North Coast Corridor Program

On August 13, 2014, the California Coastal Commission voted to approve the North Coast Corridor (NCC) Program’s Federal Consistency Certification, Local Coastal Program amendments for the four affected corridor cities – San Diego, Encinitas, Carlsbad and Oceanside - and the Public Works Plan/Transportation and Resource Enhancement Program (PWP/TREP). The PWP/TREP includes a package of highway, rail, transit, bike/pedestrian, environmental and coastal access improvements along San Diego’s North Coast Corridor—a 27-mile stretch from La Jolla to Oceanside—over the next 30 years. The document serves as the master permit and implementation blueprint for the NCC Program. 

Following the Coastal Commission’s decision, work on Phase 1 of the NCC Program will begin in 2016.

Since the August 2014 approval, minor changes and clarifications to the NCC PWP/TREP had been identified by the California Coastal Commission, Caltrans, and SANDAG.


January 2016 Update

On January 26, 2016 a public hearing was held by SANDAG and Caltrans to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on draft changes and clarifications to the NCC PWP/TREP draft amendments. View public comments from the public hearing.


March 2016 Update

On Wednesday, March 9, 2016, the California Coastal Commission held a public hearing to consider proposed minor clarifications and corrections to the NCC PWP/TREP, a Coastal Development Permit, and a Notice of Impending Development (NOID) for the first phase of NCC projects. The Coastal Commission unanimously approved the amendment and NOID.


August 2016 Update

On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 a public hearing was held to gather feedback and answer questions regarding a proposed amendment to the NCC PWP/TREP. The amendment allowed pile driving activities during the bird breeding season (February 15 to September 15) with the implementation of protection, monitoring, and mitigation requirements. For more information, the final amended NCC PWP/TREP is available online. 

Key Documents

PWP TREP 2013Public Works Plan Fact SheetPublic Works Plan Fact Sheet

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