Why is SR 76 planned to be four lanes instead of six lanes?
Based on extensive analysis and review of future traffic volume projections, which include considerations of local and regional development and growth, SR 76 as a four-lane highway has adequate capacity to meet current and future traffic volumes based on 2030 projections. Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture of the region’s entire transportation system, a four-lane highway for SR 76 is also consistent with the overall regional vision described in the SANDAG 2050 Regional Transportation Plan to manage transportation demands in ways that reduce or eliminate traffic congestion. In addition, the plan for four lanes also meets federal air quality standards.

What will be the posted speed limit?
The posted speed limit will be 55 miles per hour.

Will the improved highway have a bike path for cyclists?
Improvements include new standard width shoulders on both sides of SR 76. These shoulders will accommodate cyclists, pedestrians, and emergency parking.

Will noise barriers and retaining walls be constructed? 
Noise barriers will not be constructed for either the Middle or East Segment. A noise study was prepared to determine the overall feasiblity. This study considered: cost, noise level change, and abatement benefits. Based on the results of the study, the cost-benefit analysis showed that noise barriers were not economically feasible. Retaining walls may be installed in areas to minimize environmental impacts to the river corridor and the adjacent right-of-way.

Will I have a traffic signal at my intersection?
To improve traffic flow, the design minimizes the number of intersections. Signalized intersections will be improved or constructed at Melrose Drive, East Vista Way, Olive Hill Road, North River Road, Via Montellano Road, Thoroughbred Lane, South Mission Road, Via Monserate, Gird Road, Old Highway 395, the I-15 southbound ramps, and the I-15 northbound ramps.

What will the intersections look like? 
The graphic below illustrates the three types of intersections being built along the SR 76.


Will there be median barriers? 
Yes, median barriers will be placed along the corridor except at signalized intersections, and at Sweetgrass Lane and Star Track Way. 

Will a trail system be created as part of the SR 76 project and the County’s proposed San Luis Rey River Park Master Plan?
Yes, Caltrans and the County of San Diego Department of Parks and Recreation are working closely to coordinate the development of SR 76 and the San Luis Rey River Park, which include trails that accommodates equestrians. As part of the San Luis Rey River Park Master Plan, a trail network will be created by designating and connecting a set of existing trails in the park’s planning areas. Where possible, the SR 76 project includes developing parts of the park’s trail system and future parking areas, such as parking for horse trailers. Once the highway is completed, the actual park construction will begin. Currently, pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians may use the shoulders of the existing SR 76 or the numerous existing trails within the river valley. The project would neither preclude these uses nor alter the future trail uses in the adjacent planned park. To learn more about the San Luis Rey River Park Master Plan, please visit the San Diego County Parks and Recreation web site.
