What will make the transit service rapid?

Low-floor vehicles and raised curbs at the stations will allow for faster boarding. Transit signal priority will enable buses to move through intersections a bit faster. The transit-only lanes on Park Boulevard will expedite travel.
What will be the travel time?

Approximately 38 minutes from end to end.
What will be the hours of operation? 

Approximately 5 a.m. to 1 a.m.
What vehicles will be used?

New, articulated vehicles will be purchased and branded with a special paint scheme.

When will this happen?

Construction is scheduled to begin in June 2013 and last a year. Service is expected to start in 2014. The start of service depends on when construction is finished.
How will parking on Park Boulevard be affected by the project?

In response to community input, SANDAG has redesigned the median transit-only lanes along Park Boulevard to minimize parking impacts. While some parking spaces will be eliminated from Park Boulevard, additional parking spaces will be added on Centre Street, Lincoln Avenue, and Polk Avenue to produce a net gain.
On Park Boulevard south of University Avenue, will there be a loss of on-street parking or restrictions on turning movements?

A bus pocket will be added for buses running in the northbound direction, but there is no loss of parking or restrictions on turning movements.
Will Rapid bus stations be shared with local bus stops?

Some stations will be shared by local and Rapid bus vehicles. Each location varies, depending on right-of-way availability, driveway conflicts, and street configuration.
What is the rationale for moving the traffic signal from Polk Avenue to Lincoln Avenue?

There are a number of reasons. First, the city plans to install a traffic signal at Lincoln, so the project design accommodates this addition. The Polk intersection forms a strange angle, making it difficult for drivers to see oncoming traffic. Removing the signal also allows through traffic, including buses, to flow more smoothly. However, a pedestrian crosswalk will be added, and pedestrian crossings will be protected by a flashing or solid red light during the pedestrian phase.

Will left turns be allowed at Howard Avenue?

Left turns will be allowed from Howard onto southbound Park Boulevard. However, drivers going north on Park Boulevard will not be allowed to turn left or make U-turns at Howard. They will have to go one block north to El Cajon Boulevard to make a U-turn.

Is it possible to move the Park Blvd/El Cajon station to El Cajon Blvd?

This was investigated and rejected because the eastbound turns from Park and Normal are somewhat blind, and may result in vehicles turning into the back of a stationed bus. Also, El Cajon Boulevard has a fairly steep grade at this location, making it difficult for passengers to board.
Is it possible to move the route to Florida Street?

In order to maximize ridership, the bus route needs to stay on high-volume, non-residential streets.
