Sorrento to Miramar Phase 2

SANDAG is working to add two miles of second main track to the San Diego region’s coastal rail corridor between I-805 and Miramar Road in the City of San Diego. Combined with the project’s 1.1-mile first phase and previous construction efforts, the project will create approximately 13 miles of continuous double track along the corridor.
Miramar Hill — to be improved by this project — has the steepest grade and the sharpest curves in the region, resulting in the slowest segment of the LOSSAN rail line south of Los Angeles. Sharp curves limit train speeds in the area to 25 miles per hour for COASTER and Amtrak passenger trains and 20 miles per hour for freight trains. In addition, the single track causes system delays of six to nine minutes as trains wait for one another to pass.
This project, combined with others in the corridor, will reduce travel times for passengers, improve system reliability, increase goods movement, reduce passenger and truck volumes on I-5, and provide for increased passenger and freight rail services in the future.
View Powerpoint Presentation to Community Planning Groups
View Powerpoint Presentation for Public Meeting on Environmental Assessment