San Diego River Trail - Notices

Project notices will be posted here as soon as they become available. To receive project updates, sign up to be added to our email list.

Final Mitigated Negative Declaration - Carlton Oaks Segment

The SANDAG Transportation Committee adopted the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the San Diego River Trail – Carlton Oaks Segment project at its June 16, 2017 meeting.  

San Diego River Trail - Carlton Oaks Segment Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration   

Appendix A - Visual Impact Assessment

Appendix B - Air Quality and GHG Emissions Analysis

Appendix C - Biological Technical Report

Appendix D - Jurisdictional Delineation Report

Appendix E - Cultural Resources Technical Report

Appendix F - Paleontological Resources Memorandum

Appendix G - Geotechnical Investigation

Appendix H - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix I - Water Quality Analysis

Appendix J - Hydrology Study

Appendix K - Mast Park West Conservation Easement

Appendix L - Responses to Comments

Appendix M - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Final Mitigated Negative Declaration - Stadium Segment

The SANDAG Board of Directors adopted the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the San Diego River Trail – Stadium Segment project at its January 22, 2016 meeting. 

San Diego River Trail - Stadium Segment Project Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Appendix A - Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment

Appendix B - Biological Resources Letter Report

Appendix C - Cultural Resources Study

Appendix D - Geotechnical Desktop Study

Appendix E - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment

Appendix F - Water Quality Technical Report

Appendix G - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Appendix H - Responses to Comments

Prior Community Workshops and Events

You can learn more about the San Diego River Trail project by viewing the presentation materials shared at past community meetings and events.


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401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101
Toll-Free Construction Hotline:
1 (833) 899-BIKE / 1 (833) 899-2453

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