The SR 52 freeway extension through Santee into East County opened to motorists on March 29, 2011. A grand opening celebration was held on March 19, 2011.

The SR 52 East project (phases 4 and 5) began construction in 2008 and cost $447 million. Phase 4 was designed in close coordination with the City of Santee’s Forester Creek project, which addresses the area's frequent flooding. Forester Creek flows immediately adjacent to and across the freeway alignment.  

The SR 52/SR 67 interchange provides direct connections for the following four moves:

  • Northbound SR 67 to westbound SR 52
  • Eastbound SR 52 to northbound SR 67
  • Southbound SR 67 to westbound SR 52
  • Eastbound SR 52 to southbound SR 67

The SR 52 East project completes the last two phases of a five-phase project. These phases extend SR 52 from SR 125 east to SR 67 within the City of Santee and include a freeway interchange at SR 52 and SR 67.
