The proposed Howard Bikeway is one of six segments planned as part of the North Park | Mid-City Bikeways, which will add approximately 12 miles of bike boulevards and protected bikeways and connect the North Park and Mid-City neighborhoods. The proposed Howard Bikeway will provide vital connectivity for residents to walk and bike within San Diego’s vibrant urban core of North Park.
The Howard Bikeway will be 1.2 miles along Howard Avenue, between Park Boulevard and 32nd Street. The proposed bikeway will also provide important connections to several regional bikeways including Georgia – Meade Bikeway to the west and Orange Bikeway to the east, which will in turn connect to University Bikeway and Central Avenue Bikeway.
Proposed features include buffered bike lanes, neighborhood traffic circles, curb extensions, and traffic calming measures designed to make the streets more pleasant for everyone – people who walk, bike, work, and live there. The Howard Bikeway segment is currently in final design phase. The project will help fulfill the vision laid out in the San Diego Regional Bike Plan to make riding a bike a more convenient and safer choice for everyday travel.
View this project's fact sheet in English and en Español.
Project Update - February 2018
SANDAG hosted an open house and public hearing for the Howard – Orange Bikeway on July 27, 2017, where attendees were invited to learn more about the project and provide written and verbal comments. In order to keep the project moving forward, SANDAG advanced the Howard Avenue portion of the project in early 2018. View additional information regarding the Orange Bikeway. As part of the project’s environmental review process, written responses to the written and verbal comments received at the July 27, 2017 open house and public hearing were provided to the SANDAG Transportation Committee, which approved the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption for the Howard Avenue portion of the project at its February 16, 2018 meeting. As part of the project’s CEQA compliance, SANDAG prepared a Traffic and Safety Impact Assessment, which was published July 12, 2017.
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SANDAG GO by BIKE Public Outreach Team
401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101
Phone (Toll-Free): (833) 899-BIKE / (833) 899-2453